Satsang with Shima

The word Satsang comes from the Sanskrit and means to be in the company of true people.

Satsang is an invitation to bring to presence whatever is obscuring your dance with love. This Satsang invites enquiry into sexual energies and our challenges, fears and delights , around these energies. The Satsang meets the defenses and protection against sexual energy and our true nature.

Drop into this melting meditation in the spirit family.

Satsang every second Wednesday in Fellside ( close to Norwood  ) at 7pm till 9pm.

And we will start and end promptly. Arrival begins at 630 , doors locked at 7pm.

It is R150. Please pay cash as you arrive.

Please bring a pillow or chair to sit on.

Connect on WhatsApp +27 84 591 1211.